‘Death Do Us Part’ is an incremental simulation based on episodic soap operas. Random 10-20 second scenes will play wherein two married characters will be put into a situation which in turn effects their happiness and the strength of their marriage. The simulation will end after a set amount of scene changes (current version is 3), after which one of the characters will die. If the marriage deteriorates beyond repair before 3 scenes can play, the characters will divorce. The simulation is considered successful if the marriage lasts until one of them dies. If they divorce before death, it’s a failure.

[FOR CLASS] Current Bugs/Future Improvements:

    For some reason I still haven't figured out, many of my scripts only work in the editor version of my game and not in built versions. I spent a significant portion of time trying to diagnose the issue, then eventually, when none of the simplest solutions worked, I switched to damage control. This means the version published on this page is different to the one in my editor currently and lacks some functionality.


* The title screen doesn't render the camera properly and is missing the objects outside of the UI.

* The How-to-Play screen incorrectly says one simulation is 5 situations. That is the ultimate goal, but at present, it is only 3.

* Player names are only saved in the first simulation and do not update on subsequent runs. Refreshing the page is the only way to reset it.

* Some of the UI scaled strangely. I have fixed 95% of that, but some things are still a little off.


My goal was to have one simulation be comprised of 5 situations, but because of the unexpected roadblock that the building process became, I was not able to make as many situations as I wanted. While I'm not happy about that, I do think that overall functionality is more important than situation count. Here are some situations I plan on implementing in the future:

* scuba diving on vacation (+)

* argue over not doing laundry/chores (-)

* visiting the aquarium (+)

* jealous over spouse's coworker (-)

* adopted animal without asking (-)

* awkward family dinner party (-)

* + more as I think of them...!

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