animal crossing snow globe
week 3 experimental game lab
i believe in new leaf supremacy 👇 👇 models from here
wanted to create an idle game && ended up with what i'm calling a virtual snowglobe. i'm really into the liminal energy that happens at certain hours and i have ideas on how to expand on that so we'll see.
tab - skips to next hour
R- restart simulation at 12:00
M- mute audio
space - spawn item
click to hide cursor
assignment requirements--
conditional event
- the music changes depending on the hour. the hour is tied to the sun's position [me explaining how time works]
self operating objects
- all items spawn in randomly and delete after 2 minutes
an ending
- press R to restart the simulation from 12:00 noon, removing all items and re-instantiating the villagers. i have tried to prevent them from ever spawning in the floor on restart but if that happens just press R again until it pops out.